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Who We Treat


PSOT Criteria for Potential Clients


PSOT serves individuals over the age of 18 years old living in New York City or elsewhere in New York State* who have survived torture outside of the United States. PSOT defines torture by both the United Nations Convention Against Torture and the Torture Victims Relief Act as well as international human rights violations committed outside of the United States.

*New Jersey residents are also eligible, but due to State Licensure Requirements, they must receive all services on-site.


You may be eligible for services if you have experienced one or more of the types of trauma of the below:


  • Serious physical, sexual or psychological violence 

  • Gender Based Violence, including; Intimate Partner Violence, Forced Marriage, Violence against LGBTQ Persons and Gender Minorities, with no recourse.

  • Persecution by state, non-state actor, family and other individuals based on; ethnicity, religion, nationality, political opinion, human rights activism and/or membership in a social group


Legal Status


PSOT has dedicated legal support for undocumented clients and clients in the process of applying for asylum. Other eligible legal statuses include:

  • Asylees or persons granted withholding of removal

  • Permanent Residents (based on Asylum claim)

  • Refugees

  • Naturalized citizens (post-Asylum)

  • Undocumented persons





Mental Health & Clinical Services


Bellevue PSOT provides trauma- informed medical care through primary care physicians, psychiatry, individual and group person-centered and culturally attuned psychotherapy and social protection services.



Legal Support Services


Bellevue PSOT provides asylum and immigration Services through expert documentation and working in conjunction with an individual's legal representative. Applicants are not required to have a lawyer before joining PSOT. We will provide referrals. For those who have already applied for asylum, the date of Final Individual Merits Hearing should be at least 6 months away in order for us to provide adequate expert documentation.


Social Protection Services


Referrals for safe housing, vocational counseling, public benefits and case management.



Please note that if you are looking for only one or two of these services, you may be advised to seek services from an affiliated community-based organization that focuses on your area of need. 




Billing & Insurance


Visits with clinicians are subject to billing as a part of the Bellevue Hospital and are compatible with insurance plans. There are no separate consultation fees for our program.


Billable clinical visits include group therapy, individual therapy, clinical assessments (i.e. intake interview), medical services (primary care and sub-specialties), and psychiatric consultations.


Visits with no associated fees include Consultations, Legal Services, and Social Services.


Through Bellevue, we have resources to help our clients apply for Medicaid and there are reasonable options for those who are unemployed and/or ineligible for insurance coverage due to their immigration status. 


For more information on Bellevue's medical billing policy and a list of accepted insurance plans, please click here

If you or someone you know is a torture survivor who has urgent medical or psychological needs, please call 911 or go to your nearest emergency room.


If you are interested in becoming or referring a client, please contact us at


We do our best to respond to inquiries within 2 weeks.

What Is Asylum?

Download a copy of our "What is Asylum?" informational poster, translated to French, Spanish and English, to learn more about the current process guidelines to make a case for asylum.

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